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Message from the Principal

Welcome To McKay School where “ Lion Pride Reigns” .

Greetings McKay Families,

Well, we are looking forward to another great year with our community - one that will bring us challenges and successes! Our younger students are fully immersed in their learning at McKay North. Our construction is almost finished! We now have a lift and elevator to make the tower fully accessible. In addition, washrooms were built on the second and third floors. The washrooms in the primary halls were also updated. This is really exciting for us, as is our climbing enrolment! To continue to accommodate this increase in students, our Grades 6 to 8 students are at McKay South, which is housed within Port Colborne High School. This has been a great success and rewarding experience for this group and we are looking forward to continuing with this different learning environment. We wish everyone a wonderful September and a fulfilling experience this year.

I am so excited to be on this journey with all of you.

Mr. Acaster,